Cannes Lions 2024: Sustainability Sidelined Despite Global Push for Eco-Conscious Advertising

Ed Fletcher, our Co-Managing Director, calls out the lack of sustainability focus at Cannes Lions 2024 in his recent Campaign UK article.

Authors: Ed Fletcher
  • Reading time: 1 min.
  • Posted on: July 2, 2024

Despite the global push for eco-conscious practices, sustainability took a backseat at this year’s Cannes Lions Festival. As advertising industry leaders gathered to celebrate creativity, one crucial question lingered: Why wasn’t sustainability front and centre in the world’s premier advertising event?

Our Co-Managing Director, Ed Fletcher, attended Cannes Lions 2024 for the first time and shares his insights on advertising sustainability in Campaign UK.

His key learnings include:

  • Sustainability was sidelined at Cannes Lions 2024, missing a crucial opportunity to address climate issues in creative advertising
  • A shift from greenwashing to “greenhushing” was observed, with brands reluctant to openly discuss climate plans and eco-friendly marketing strategies
  • The advertising industry must move from talk to action, integrating measurable sustainability into all aspects of work, promoting sustainable creativity in advertising