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  • Marketing, PR & Social Media
  • Purpose Advertising & Campaigns

Plenty of kids love Peppa Pig and plenty of kids love bacon rolls. But enjoying both of those at the same time seems a little wrong… 

That’s what was playing on our minds when we started working with Plant Based News – a leading vegan media platform. They felt it was high time parents had an honest conversation with their kids about where processed and packaged meat really comes from, so we helped them create a campaign that got families talking…

“It's like a car crash, you just can't look away”
Creating a conversation starter for parents
Over half a million online engagements

The challenge

Today, many children are very disconnected from the sources of the food they eat. So much so, that they might never connect the cute animal characters they love to watch on TV with the meat on their plates.

With a plant-based diet being one of the single biggest things we can do to tackle climate change, it seems necessary to make sure kids know enough about farming and food to make an informed decision about their diets.

The challenge

It was time to go pig or go home. We needed to capture the attention of parents in a way that would inspire them to have discussions with their kids about where meat comes from. We did this by creating a provocative animation that connected the Peppa Pig we all know and love to pork-based dinners. Then we added a healthy side-serving of real-life street interviews asking parents what their kids really know about meat.

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